(Curriculum, NTUST, 5908701) Advanced Civil Construction
MT KAO (Blog:
Brief for Semester Start from Feb.
1. The Change in Professional’s Earning and Social Status since Industrial Revolution; the Tendency the Young Engineers Drifting to the Unpredictable World Need to Know:
1) Comparison between the income through personal capability and efforts and that from investment and bequests. It changes since the industrial revolution and has influenced the allocation of talent.
2) How the excellent brains were paid by ruling class who dominate the economy and the industries historically?
3) What will a young civil engineer choose to be? Occupational, professionals or super managers. Is it correct to borrow “meritocratic extremism” to justify the tremendous pay difference between capitalist/ rent seekers and hard-workers?
4) Technology improvement makes economy flourish and life better, still some people in each social class has to struggle for livelihood and survival as distribution inequality persist. Will the engineers whose expertise and knowledges be replaced by digital software and artificial intelligence fall in the category in their life time?
5) The professional tomorrow: Let AGI (Artificial General Intelligent) to take over and accept “Le Droit à la Paresse” (“The Right to be Lazy”) while living on Universal Basic Income dispensed by the government; or become 21st century Luddites against automatic machine? )
(專業工程師的明天:讓強大的AGI接手一切,然後同意法國名言「人們有權變懶惰」,靠政府發給的基本生活補助過活;或成為21世紀,搗毀一切自動化機器的盧德派抗議派工人? )
6) Can “Engineering as a Vocation” be honored in Taiwan when material reward is meager compared with devotion paid? Can the passion, inspiration and rationality as a professional be kept as the vocation is life time choice?
2. How will Young men Start his Professional Career?
1) To learn how the government operates and the economy function in the real world and the existence of political institutions, social establishment, and commercial interest groups.
2) Construction business is attached to history, culture and custom of the country and society. A successful engineer has to know humanity, social behaviors, tradition and conventional wisdom; not dismiss them as redundancy soon to be discarded in the process of modernization.
3) Engineering is an art rather than a science: approaches to the clients, colleagues or even competitors should be more civic and in tight link with humanity and common sense.
4) The corruption and rent seeking will be hard to diminish in the construction business, however, it will be reduced in an open society and free market. An engineer will only be prosperous to learn reasoning, contention and compromise a bustling democracy.
5) The professionals don't produce, manufacture or build, they offer design solutions based on knowledge accrued through education and training. Plus, it requires good "judgement" based on experience, analysis and creativity, distinguishing them from ordinary people.
6) Right altitude shall be most important for freshmen: steadfast when offered elementary skill and details, passionate with curiosity breeding innovation and creativeness leading to maturity, and trust the systems and accept the lead of the higher-up with patience.
7) Young engineers must understand the modern construction industry essentially is governed with human distrust: terms of contracts, laws, certificates, checks, guarantees, tests, investigations and reports, are used to instigate the antagonism between, the parties with confronting interests.
3. Construction Industry and its Significance to Total Economy:
1). An economy develops quickly if there is good infrastructure, or to lose momentum.
2). Infrastructure projects construction stimulates demand of building material, machine and tools, furniture, and services; thus, speed up industrious development. And when economy grows, the construction market thrives.
3). Young countries need civil engineers to draw national development plans for years and decades up to cabinet level. It is the term “technocrats" for people with expertise hard to be replaced under different regimes.
4). Construction people sometimes risked to become accomplices of powerful people stealing public money. The infrastructure contracts usually involve tremendous sums and require different sub tier companies to perform the works; the illicit money is easy to hide and park. The contractors are easily to be blamed.
4. Young Engineers Must Determine the Earlier the Better in their Career, based on Personality, Talent or Linkage, to Work as:
1) Consultant or Contractor. (顧問公司或施工廠商)
2) Technical or Managerial cadet. (技術或管理專業。)
3) Domestic or International figure. (國內或國際工程。)
4) Employed or boss. (受雇者或老闆。)
5. The Modern Construction Industry and its Major Players:
1) Frontage Players.
(1) General Contractors
(2) Consulting Engineers
(3) Architects
(4) Workers, Labor Gangs and Subcontractors
(5) Specialty Contractor
(6) Employers
2) Supporting Entities.
(1) Bank
(2) Insurance Company
(3) Investment Company or Fund
(4) Operator
3) Third Party Participants: notaries, lawyers, inspectors, laboratories, certifiers,
appraisers, unions, arbitrators
4) Stakeholders
(1) Public
(2) Authority
(3) Neighborhood and Locals
6. Remuneration, Feeling of Fulfilment, and Chances of Promotion in Different Entities(在性質不同工程單位,可能遇到的狀況:待遇、滿意感,晉升機會)
1) Academy
(1) Nationalization and bureaucratization of educational institution.
(2) Fate, connections, and politic play significantly in the assignment and promotion
of faculty positions.
(3) Inspiration, heart and soul are still required in developing scientific and
engineering theories
(4) Limited monetary remuneration augmented with infrequent plaudits complete
full reward scheme of scholars
2) Professional entities such as architects and consulting firms
(1) The remuneration for working at architects and consultants is based on
expertise not be quantified.
(2) The managers of architects and consulting firms are critical for a work
environment for efficiency and competition; deserving high income
(3) Gains such as profit, dividend, interest, rent and royalty are offered to the
employees in the form of company stock, partnership, or special agreement
(4) The rates and prices of consultancy contracts are low by international
standard, their pay expected continue to grow in Taiwan
3) Construction firms
(1) Contractors command more resources than any other players in the industry
and the pay difference among their staffs is determined by contribution
(2) The construction companies are under marginal pressure to meet the
(3) EPC will allow the constructor to do the design and build works, and so the
construction firms are better to nurture the professionals, technical or
(4) Specialty contractors if have more control on expertise shall be more dominant
as the nature of the works when economy evolved and the project sophisticated
4) Government Employees
(1) In many Asian countries, the government employees are prestigious despite its
low salary and retrained power. The reasons may be the employment is
permanent and accessible by the graduates inexperienced but good at
(2) But as the economy grows the government enact laws and regulations, much
less flexible for civil servants making them not so comfortable and hesitate to go
after the government posts
5) Bosses or self-employed
(1) The rigor and aggressiveness to found an enterprise will only attach to a
young brain; so, people have to determine whether to be boss or self-employed at
early stage of life
(2) Though a contractor needs capital, follow engineers, business connections,
access to resources for execution; in Taiwan the sub-let system and high context
culture in favor of collaboration between the individuals will allows new comers
to become entrepreneurs before they’re matured
(3) Construction people often risked to become accomplices of authority, super or
sub tier contractors stealing public money. The fraud can be exposed and those
ones forsaking ethic principles would be sacrificed.
(4) Unlike many developing worlds, Taiwan escaped endemic corruption during
and after the days massive infrastructure projects are under construction. If you
want to be a boss in Taiwan, the risk is smaller
7. Features of Construction Industry explained in 5M:
1) Man
(1) Power to drive Individuals and Organizations to achieve Business Goal:
- Nature of Power
- Organization
- Leaders
- Power Distance
(2) Managerial cadre:
- Inflated Titles for Professionals
- Recruitment
- Manage self-motivated and highly intelligent workers
- Professional and Occupational
(3) Project-based or Department-oriented(functional) Management:
- Diploma Over-Trump Proficiency
- Company’s Shrived HQ
(4) Personal and organizational behaviors:
- Company Culture related to Size
- High and Low Context Cultures
(5) Labor laws, quality, incentives, unions
- Labor and Taxation Laws in Taiwan
- Taiwan’s Scrupulous Professionals
3) Material
(1) Local and Conventional Material shall be chosen for Construction
(2) Green Construction
(3) Material and Equipment incorporated into Permanent Project
(4) Nominated Subcontractor
4) Money
(1) Payment: cash, in kinds or goods (barter), deferred (BT), franchise revenue
(2) Standard international contracts to regulate: FIDIC, NEC3 (New Engineering
Contract3), AIA(American Institute of Architects), JCT forms of Contract(Joint
Contract Tribunal) ... etc.
(3) Non-technical People to Control Money.
5) Market
(1) Contractors of Lemming Mentality
(2) Style
of Competition: Lowest Bid, Evaluated Lowest Bid, Value for Money
(3) Elements
of Competition
(4) Defying the International Norms
8. Working Overseas(海外工程):
1) Evolution of International Construction Projects:
(1) Stag 1: Free Movement of Construction Resources across the Borders.
(2) Stage 2: Work Hard vs Work Smart!
(3) Stage 3: Investment Security Trump Everything and in Favor of the
2) Distribution of Added Value under the New Construction Market Order:
(1) "Labor"
(2) Between technical and commercial professionals
3) Chances for Taiwanese Construction Industry to go for Overseas Market.
4) Adjustment Imperative for Company System and Policy.
5) Assignment of People to Run Overseas Works.
6) Mental Readiness for Construction Companies to undertake Overseas Business.
7) License, Registration, Special Permit for Foreign Contractor.
8) Acknowledge of difference and handicaps:
9) Unmanageable Risks:
10) Manageable Risks (with care and monetary provision):